Food is the root of our community, and collectively we grow an abundance of food on the island. But even with all of the farms and gardens on Salt Spring, did you know less than 10% of what we eat is grown here on Salt Spring.
Growing and eating more food locally is one of the most direct and meaningful ways we can respond to the challenges we face in our community and on this planet. To help strengthen our local food system, we’re launching a fund raiser, but not your typical kind. It’s going to be a food raiser.
Let’s Fill The Root With Root Crops!
We’re asking the community to grow root crops and then donate them after harvest. The Grow Local team will store the crops at The Root and sell them in the community in the fall and winter. The income from crop sales will then be donated to the Farmland Trust to be used as seed funding for food system programming at The Root in 2023.
This project will increase Salt Spring’s access to local food, improve the local food economy, and strengthen the island’s food security. The Grow Local team can provide seeds, crop planning, and support for harvesting. Crops include: carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, radishes and rutabagas.
If you want to grow with us please fill out the Foodraiser Registration Form to sign up.
And if you have questions or suggestions please reach out to the Grow Local team, Nick and Polly, at
For the Love of Food, Let’s Grow Together!
