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Workshop: What if Growing Could Be Easy?

When: Sunday, June 23rd

Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location: Burgoyne Valley Community Farm, 2232 Fulford-Ganges Rd, near the gazebo.

Workshop leader: Kerrie O'Donnel 

Details: Join us in exploring approaches and tools to nourish gardeners and our gardens. We'll play with ideas from the realms of permaculture, science, and mindfulness. Kerrie will lead you through some thought-provoking exercises on what it means for individuals to work within their own unique growing areas, with a focus on tending to our own physical and emotional wellness, as we do with our gardens.

The workshop will include walking through the stunning 90 plot Community Garden that showcases the various techniques that are possible to achieve growth and abundance. After the walk, we hope participants will leave with the sense that there is no one way to garden, and that by following our own seasons and unique characteristics, we too will grow and flourish.

Meet your facilitator: As a former work-a-holic, Kerrie is curious to learn and share the easy, fun, nature-connected ways to grow food. She is a certified Permaculture Designer, PhD in Zoology, yogi, and mom to two curious kids.

General Public

Burgoyne Valley Community Gardeners or Farmers

Funding for the Knowledge and Technology Transfer program is provided by the governments of Canada and British Columbia 

through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.


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